Sunday, 14 June 2015

The Nomad Way x We Are Milestone

If you've been following along, you'll know that most of the way I eat and train is a direct response to doing the best I can in the environment I find myself in. I've managed to do okay so far, the training system has evolved into what The Nomad Way is now and it's been amazing to see other people joining the cause and making it work for them. Nutrition, however has always been the bigger struggle, the motivation for the training is easy, I love to train, and that's pretty much where the problems arise with eating... I love to do that too.

I've always followed something along the lines of The Warrior Diet under eating during the day at work and enjoying a period of overeating in the evening when I'm at my hungriest, it's served me well and I've experienced good results that have worked for me, however I've always felt that I've 'taken it easy on myself' and that if I followed a more 'traditional' approach, I could achieve so much more, dial it right in and really take it to the next level.

Objective Perspective

In my former career as a trainer, I wrote meal plans for people daily and often found myself delivering hard truths, many people have misconceptions about their eating habits and what they should and shouldn't be doing that often stem moreover, from what they want to be doing. Whilst I've always maintained that the only diet that will ever work is the one you can stick to, there's a lot to be said for having an outsider kick it real to you on what you should be doing to achieve optimal results and you taking it from there. I'm fortunate enough to have been able to have enlisted the services of the absolute fitness powerhouses over at Milestone Strength and Conditioning, I've seen what these guys have done for their clients in the past and I've been absolutely blown away, add to that the fact that they're genuinely cool people and you can see why I'm so ecstatic to be working with them. They've carefully calculated my macro nutrient requirements and put together a meal plan that works precisely with my ridiculously non-stop, nomadic lifestyle. Preach.

Check them out over on Instagram to see for youselves


One of the main reasons I started documenting my journey to a cover model physique online, was to create a kind of accountability for myself, this has intensified immensely as I've begun blogging and taking on more modelling work, and to be honest, I think it's great. Everyone is motivated by different factors, for me the anxiety of not wanting to let people down is more than enough to whip me into shape! I get a lot of requests for diet and nutritional information beyond what I've already posted, so get ready for it... It's all going to be right here for the coming weeks, Milestone have been generous enough to allow me to completely document the diet they've provided me with, so you're going to see it all. Gloss over the posts if you're more interested in the fitness gypsy side of things, but hopefully we can learn together as I attempt some serious meal prep whilst being on the road and devoid of any cooking facilities week in, week out. I sincerely hope that any solutions I manage to MacGyver up can be of some help to you guys as you navigate our own nutritional nightmares.

Thanks again to the legends at Milestone

See you at the end of day one...

Peace out


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