Sunday, 10 May 2015

Short term work, long term gains.

If you want something you've never had, you need to do something you've never done. That's the old adage isn't it? Not strictly speaking true, I know; but not a bad rule of thumb. 

Working out, or at least getting results from your workouts, like many things in life relies heavily on consistency. It's a journey, focus on the scenery and the drive and you'll reach your destination before you know it. 

HOWEVER.... Every now and again a short term, focussed bout of excess bad-assery can deliver tremendous results, refresh your motivation and be a pleasant (perhaps not the most apt description) break from your usual routine or style.

Team No Days Off

Last December I embarked on one such training crucible, looking to bleed every last ounce of growth I could out of 2014 before I started trimming up in the new year. The theory was this; muscles hypertrophy as a response to new stimulus or overload. One way or another you have to force yourself beyond your previous limits and then give yourself time to recover to set new ones, whether it be lifting heavier, lifting with more volume, or reducing the timeframe in which you do the same amount of work, more is more and in this case, more is better. I'm pretty diligent in terms of tracking my strength gains, I love getting stronger and challenging myself so it's a no brainer that progressive overload comes naturally, but here I needed to do something different. Very different...

100 pull-ups. 100 dips. 
Every day.
For thirty days.
That's it. 

Your only real equipment requirement is gravity, so with a bit of ingenuity you can do this anywhere. Throw in some high volume squats once a week, some deadlifting too, but for the most part- just move your body through space against Newton's law of universal gravitation 200 times a day.

Split it up however you want, we experimented with everything from ten sets of ten alternating between the two movements, five of each on the minute every minute until completion, to performing near max reps on every set. Vary the styles of pull up and dip too, hit it from every angle. Throw on some chains or extra weight if you're feeling brave. Just get the reps done, every damn day.

Don't despair if this sounds like a Goliath task, there were days when I felt so beat up the thought alone of heaving my body around was painful, but there were also days when I felt so strong and adept at these two simple movements that I performed every single rep with a 20kg chain hanging around my neck.  Just remind yourself of the simple truth, it's a single, solitary month. In the grand scheme of things it's a very small timeframe in which to push yourself beyond your usual limitations, for potentially amazing rewards.

The results are in.

Superficially, this blaster of a protocol elicited the exact results I intended it to, I grew noticeably larger and thicker through my torso as I recovered in the weeks following our Bodyweight odyssey. 
My triceps and chest were full 24/7, my back and biceps thickened out, my previous personal bests in other exercises like curls and bench press felt like baby weights. It was a difficult month, but more than worth it, I'll definitely be going into my next period of growth with a similar regime, if not just leading with this exact layout.

The most unexpected side effect I experienced, was a shift in my attitude towards training frequency and recovery. After weeks of hitting the gym or nomad-ing a training area together  on the road (note, two ladders placed side by side are perfect for dips) every single day, I found myself habitually gravitating towards doing some form of training day in, day out. Not necessarily a bad thing as long as your diligent with your recovery aids. 

If you're looking for a good kick start to a change in your exercise regime, this is a rocket fuel powered jet pack that will reprogram your body and mind. After a month of manipulating your bodyweight through space, you'll find your wheels have been significantly greased. Eat heartily before and after your workouts, supplementing where applicable and I'd put money on the fact you'll see noticeable changes. 
Maybe order some larger t-shirts in advance.

Please don't hesitate to pop any questions you might have in the comments section, or over on my Instagram. 
If you decide to take the plunge, let me know how you get on, just try not to press a hole through your keyboard with your newfound strength.

Peace out


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