A quick word on the psychology of dieting that I've been mulling over before I go into any specifics...
I wrote meal and training plans everyday for years when I was a trainer and it's certainly something I would consider going back into in the future, it's great because you're exposed to a lot of variables that the average trainee isn't, you learn to overcome and adapt to more circumstances as you encounter the different lifestyle issues of your clients. However, you can begin to suffer from information overload and it can start to become difficult to remain objective when it comes to programming your own diet. That's why I sought out Milestone for help in really taking myself to the next level this summer, I wanted honest, impartial advice on what I should be doing, feeling that I would be biased towards what I want to be doing and back it up with science, ultimately not pushing myself hard enough.
One major thing I've learned about myself already, is that when I'm dieting I let myself fear carb consumption, which basically leads me to lacklustre workouts, major lethargy at work and eventually telling myself I need to 'refeed' and binging on high carb, high fat foods every 3-4 days. This has always worked for me in the past, but with the strategic carb type/timing that Layne programmed for me I've felt great all day, been feeling incredibly energetic and focussed in the gym and still losing body fat just as fast. Winning.
On the subject of energy (despite the fact I've started a new paragraph tut tut), I started wearing a Fitbit last week, on what I would call an average workday (or an easy one actually as we only erected smaller, lighter structures) I burned nearly 4000 calories. Without training. Obviously the accuracy is debatable but it's probably not far off, you can really start to put together a picture of why I need to keep my calorie consumption so high, in fact, if I worked a sedentary office job, at my current stats the calories I'm on would be bulking calories. This is why it's so important to be honest with yourself about your energy levels and program your eating accordingly. Walking your dog once a day and climbing a few flights of stairs at work does not make you 'extremely active', be realistic.
I'm still eating according to roughly the same plan I laid out last week, although I am juggling my dinners around as I made it home most nights last week and wanted to eat good food with my girlfriend (the macros of the meal haven't changed though, unless I've missed some carbs throughout the day, then I'll catch up here). I'll post up a full day of eating here with pictures during the week as I know it's something I find incredibly interesting, it's one thing to see the macronutrient layout, but seeing it applied (for me at least) is much more useful.
Oh, importantly I'm down another 2kg this week.
Get over to my Instagram if you have any questions and make sure you check out Milestone if you want your own carefully crafted meal plan.
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