Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Short post. Large movement. Bigger results.

I'm throwing down the gauntlet again with a brief challenge for you guys to get stuck into. Nothing major or life changing, just a little something you can throw in to give yourself a bit of an ass-kicking on your next session. Use it as a finisher, a warm-up or even a brief but effective standalone.

With no further fanfare necessary, I give you 'The Clean It/ Press It/ Pull On It' challenge.

To begin with, set the pins in your squat/power rack as high as possible; your arms should be nigh on fully extended to reach up to them. Not to worry if your rack doesn't facilitate this, just raise the pins as far as possible.

After warming up thoroughly, load a barbell up to a weight you could push press for around 8-10 reps.
Starting on the ground, use a power clean to 'rack' the bar onto your chest (google or check exrx.net for a detailed description and cues). 
From here use a little body English and drive from the legs to help you drive the bar up to lock out over head, once up place securely onto the rack pins. 
Cleaned and pressed. Simple. So far.
Now, from here (without removing your hands from the bar at all) lift your legs up so that you're hanging from the bar and execute one flawless, chest to bar pull up, return to the hang and then stand up (keeping your hands on the bar throughout). Reverse the complete sequence, with the bar ending where it began, on the floor.
This is one rep. 

Set a stopwatch and perform five at the top of every minute for as long as you can sustain good form. 
Aim for around ten minutes and let me know how you faired!



  1. Well this is a killer!! In the end the I was resting as long as it took otherwise I would of been on the floor. I did this as a finisher after some pull movements and it finished me off good and proper! Keep the great content coming AT. All the best.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it man (probably not an apt description ha)! You're a beast for getting through it! Thanks for taking the time to read the blog man! AT
