Sunday, 12 April 2015

Hi Wales, sorry for eating all of your foods.

Forgive me food gods, for I have sinned.
I've had an absolutely atrocious week of eating, zero excuses other than a lack of execution of will power. I've been on the road, Cardiff has been good to my taste buds, but tough on my waste line.
I had aimed to eat (throughout the day) an entire watermelon and a whole chicken, just as a small experiment. I generally fast for around 16 hours a day, having my first meal at one in the afternoon and eating nothing after nine (I'll go into this in more detail in the near future, but it really works for me.) Needless to say, this week I majorly fell off the wagon.

I need a reset, and it has inspired me to try something I've wanted to do for a while now... It's extreme, but that's my theme... Bear with me here...

Freelee The Banana Girl and her many, many detractors...

If you're involved in the online fitness community, you're probably aware of (and have most probably formed an opinion of) 'Freelee' and her other half 'Durian Rider', the Australian duo are raw food vegan/ fruitarian proponents who have been involved in various web based controversies over the last few years, none of which I care about. Freelee is perhaps best known for her attention savvy 'diet'/ website which for the most part revolves around eating 30 bananas a day. Not a lot else...
You still here? Good. 
It's most probably as stupid as it sounds, detractors make claims ranging from lack of micro-nutrient content to the perceived 'extremity' of the diet, making it sound very 'obsessive'. (Before you even think about saying the words 'potassium overdose' please go and look at the potassium content of the average banana and cross reference it with how much potassium an 80kg man can consume safely a day, thanks.)

I'm going to start my defence of the simple 'system' by saying I *am* obsessed with food, it's not an illness, I just think about what I eat. A lot. Some times I eat tons of crap, sometimes I'll experiment with extremely low calories. How many of you wake up every morning and eat breakfast? The first thing you do, every day, is eat? And you feel a bit 'off' if you don't? That sounds obsessive to me, but we just call it breakfast and accept that. I'm not obsessive,  It's just a hobby that I'm really, really into. That okay with you guys? Cool.
Secondly, how many of us actually eat a varied, balanced diet? What does that even mean? The scientific data is so conflicting, that it's pretty baffling and a bit of a wilderness for the average human consumer of calories. So with that in mind, doing something 'extreme' for a week, isn't really that big a deal is it? 
Thirdly, finally and perhaps most importantly;



So. Keeping my calories in a reasonable deficit (an average deficit of 500-750kcal throughout the week)
I plan on consuming a diet consisting chiefly of King Louie's yellow favourite, the phallic fruit fresh from the tropics, the humble banana, for a week or two.

I'm going to eat a few 'balanced' dinners throughout the week, because I'm not a robot ape and I enjoy the social element of cooking and eating, but throughout the day... Yeah... Banana power. 

I'll let you know how it went next week (if my head doesn't dissolve from extreme potassium penetration.)



  1. What does your typical workout routine fr a week look like?
    What's your diet like? And what supplements do you take?

    Looking to change my routine and thought you'd be a good example to follow for a month.

    1. Try the routine in my latest blog post and come back in a month... Eat like a beast, if you must supplement take 10g of creatine in some lucozade (the original fizzy business) before your workout and a protein shake after (or just eat a chicken sandwich or something of that ilk) Work hard and trust in the process....
